Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Wind Power: New Shade of Green Dominates Iowa Landscape, Part 2
Walnut, Iowa, has always drawn a regular stream of visitors coming to shop in the proliferation of antique stores lining its quaintly picturesque downtown streets. But in recent months, tourists have also been pulling off Highway 80 just to get a closer look at the 102 monstrously huge wind turbines towering over Walnut. The 263-foot stem of the steel flowers surpasses the height of the Statue of Liberty's torch, with the 126-foot rotor blades extending their topmost reach closer to the heavens.
Read more at ...
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Wind Power: New Shade of Green Dominates Iowa Landscape
From Part one of a two-part article:
A capricious Mother Nature, brandishing weapons of deluge, drought, scorching heat, and frost, has long possessed a power to destroy the livelihood of farming families populating small prairie towns like Walnut, Iowa. In a state where more than 85 percent of the land is devoted to agricultural purposes, talking about the weather represents a culturally-ingrained aspect of discourse. But these days the focus of that conversation is changing in Walnut, home to the state's newest large-scale wind farm.
"The conversation when you're out for coffee now is: 'You think the wind is blowing enough to get 'em going today?,'" Leo Rechtenbach says, referring to the 102 wind turbines that sprouted from fields and pastures of his rural community in the past year. Leo and his wife, Jeanette, belong to a growing population of Iowa wind farmers. These people don't actually have to perform any kind of sunburnt backbreaking toil resembling traditional farming; they just have to rent small parcels of their land to an energy company, then sit back and watch as the modernistic windmills shoot up from the earth like albino sunflowers hybridized with Jack's beanstalk.
Friday, July 31, 2009
17th Annual Optimist Antique Car Show
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Antique Show Blog Roundup
Update from Walnut:
Well.....all I can say is it was wonderful. The entire main street of the town is closed down for the event. Vendors line up on both sides of the street, park their vans, trailers and campers and set up shop.
It rained two times during the weekend. But the vendors braved the weather and opened up again after each rain. Some of the vendors camp right there on the main street. The side streets are filled up as well as the street parallel to main street. If that's not enough for you, the school and VFW buildings are full too. I literally walked until I thought I would drop....and then went back for pictures.
A Simply Wonderful Weekend
I'M BACK! And Wow what a Show!
I had a fabulous show, met tons of wonderful folk, many fellow bloggers!!!! And, I'd do it all over again!
Read More Here...
Julie Reed
Father's Day at Walnut:
As the AmVets Antique Show in Walnut, Iowa is scheduled every year on Father's Day and I don't live close enough to my dad to visit for the day, I can't help but think of him as I peruse the different shops and vendor's booths at the show ~ especially as antique shopping is something we both enjoy. So, I thought, in honor of my dad I would do a post of things I saw that reminded me of him in some way or another.
Walnut Iowa - Antique City
I've known for a while that there was this town off of I-80 where there were lots of antique stores, and while I'm not at a point where I'm buying stuff for my house anymore, I do enjoy an occasional stroll through an antique store and it's one of Iowa's travel/tourist detsinations. Hence, the stop in Walnut - Iowa's Antique City.
ell, I either picked the perfect weekend or the worst time to come to Walnut, depending on your thoughts on antiques. Just last week I heard there was a big "Antique Walk" going on with hundreds of dealers. Apparently I didn't grasp the enormity of this event, but I am not exaggerating when I say THE ENTIRE TOWN was COVERED with antique dealers; residential streets, church lawns/parking lots, the business district, ball fields .... It was antique-palooza craziness.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
27th Annual AMVET's Antique Walk and Show
27th Annual AMVET's Antique Walk and Show
One of the finest antique shows in the midwest with more than 300 dealers of quality antiques and 50,000 visitors. This event is scheduled for Father's Day weekend every year.
Iowa's Antique City Event Page
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Dale Lynch Memorial Alumni Weekend - March 27-29, 2009
The sixth annual Dale Lynch Memorial Alumni Weekend has been scheduled for March 27-29,

The annual fundraiser in support of scholarships and programs benefiting Walnut Community School will kick off Friday evening at 5:30 with the Mike McCabe Tip-Off classic featuring all-star alumni teams from Harlan and Walnut.
Alumni basketball and volleyball tournament will be held Saturday and Sunday.
Alumni dance featuring Danger Kitty will be held Saturday March 28th, 8:00 pm at the Legion Hall
Visit for more details.
Sow-a-Seed/ Prior Attire Fall Style Show and Open House Sow-a-Seed/ Prior Attire will be holding its Fall Style show at the Walnut Public Li...
The 26th Annual Walnut AMVETs Antique Show will continue the tradition. More than 300 dealers from across the United States will s...
Most people wouldn't have the opportunity (or the guts) to climb to the top of one of the many wind turbines surrounding Walnut, Iowa. ...